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In 2015, the NSPA local branch in Oslo and Akershus commissioned an independent report from the NMBU Veterinary College on animal health aspects of breeding purebred dogs in Norway. This report concluded that the health problems for many individuals, within several dog breeds, are so serious that measures should be implemented as soon as possible.


Honestly Campaign movie
We made a brochure

We created the first information page about the Honestly campaign on our website.

Printed promotional materials such as t-shirts.

Article in the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

Article in NSPAs own membership magazine

Signature campaign

Stand at the Oslo Marathon where the audience got to test an air limiting mask and thus simulate what it is like to live with obstructed airways.

We submitted a question to the Health Committee of the Norwegian Kennel Club (NKK). Here, we sought answers on whether NKK would make the necessary, structural changes to their breeding strategies, and whether they would revise the breed standards so that good health and welfare were prioritised over extreme conformation/appearance.


18 reports of concern on brachycephalic dogs were sent to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority after the dog show Dogs4All. We asked for the dogs to have a veterinary examination, have their function tested and possibly get a breeding ban put in place. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority also received a letter detailing this. NSPA applied for access to the inspection reports made by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. This was refused, and our following complaint ended up in the highest appeal body in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. There we were granted the access we were entitled to.

NSPA had a meeting with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority where the matter was discussed.

NSPA hired lawyers from Glittertind to start the legal process

The article «Breeding must be knowledge-based» was published in the Norwegian Veterinary Journal

We participated in a debate regarding unethical breeding at the Norwegian Veterinary Association’s student event

Article in the national newspaper VG

Article in the national newspaper Nationen

Meeting with the Norwegian Kennel Club about the case

We presented the issue in a meeting with the Council for Animal Ethics (RDE).

We participated in a debate at the Animal Ethics Conference 2019

The article «The story of the sleeping paragraph» was published in the Norwegian Veterinary Journal

The lawsuit is mentioned in Advokatbladet (the lawyers’ magazine)

NSPA arranged a debate on the topic at Norway’s largest political gathering (Arendalsuka)

NSPA celebrated our 160th anniversary where a whole day was set aside for the topic

We gave a lecture on unethical breeding at the City Museum in Oslo

We gave a lecture on unethical breeding at NSPA National Assembly (Landsmøtet)

We had a meeting with the Norwegian Veterinary Association where we discussed the topic.

The NSPA CEO Åshild Roaldset ran a half marathon with an oxygen-limiting mask during the Oslo marathon, to spotlight animals that cannot breathe. 14 runners ran for the cause under the motto: “I would run if only I could breathe”.

NSPA had a stand at the veterinary conference “Veterinærdagene” where we highlighted unethical breeding of companion animals. We also met with the Norwegian Small Animal Veterinary Association to discuss the topic.

NSPA spoke about unethical breeding at an interpolitical animal welfare network at the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget).



We sent a letter to Dr. Jane Ladlow who held a course on BOAS in Norway. In the letter, we informed her about the Norwegian law, and the fact that breeding sick animals is illegal in Norway, even if the goal is to reduce or abolish unhealthy traits over time.

The article “Health tests legitimise unethical breeding” was published in the Norwegian Veterinary Journal

We spoke at a meeting held by the Trøndelag veterinary association, about unethical breeding of dogs.

We published a press release when the Netherlands imposed a ban on breeding animals with breathing problems

We made the brochure “Advice for puppy buyers” and also published a press release where we warned people against buying unhealthy dogs

We wrote letters to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Norwegian Veterinary Association regarding the use of health screening in dog breeding, and the role of animal health personnel.

We wrote a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food about the wording of the assignment regarding regulations to the breeding section (§25) and handed it to The Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

We have written a letter to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority asking them to change their website in order to provide more objective information for puppy buyers.

We have inputted to the party programs to the political parties represented in the Parliament.

We have submitted two police reports for violations of the legal breeding paragraph.

We have inputted to two documents from the European Commission’s platform for animal welfare. The documents regard the breeding of dogs and cats, respectively.

Our CEO discussed the matter on national TV (link)

We launched a formal lawsuit against The Norwegian Kennel Club, two breeders’ clubs and selected individual breeders




We have handed in formal suggestions to the governmental hearing regarding the suggested changes in paragraph 25 of the Norwegian Animal Welfare act

We launched another campaign movie

We had a meeting with our nordic colleagues to inform them about our work on unethical breeding

We have had a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture and Foods presenting what we see as the solution

We had a meeting with a European working group on unethical breeding

The article “Honestly- let’s talk about the elephant in the room” was published in the Norwegian Veterinary Journal




Hei og takk for at du tar kontakt med Lisaklinikken.

Vi driver en gratis klinikk for dem som ikke har mulighet til å benytte andre tilbud. Derfor er vi nødt til å stille visse krav:

  • Vi er ikke en klinikk for de som syntes det generelt er dyrt med veterinær, men som kan prioritere det.
  • Vi er ikke en klinikk for de som har forsikring på sitt dyr, eller som har brukt sin forsikringspremie.
  • Vi legger ikke til rette for avl, og tar ikke imot valpekull. Står du allikevel i en vanskelig situasjon (tjuvparring el. lign.) ta kontakt for vurdering.
  • Vi tilbyr ikke hd/ad røntgen, med mindre sykdom mistenkes etter konsultasjon.
  • Vi utfører ikke komplisert kirurgi og ortopediske inngrep. Spør om du er usikker.
  • Vi anbefaler årlig vaksinering andre steder enn hos oss. Her finnes det allerede rimelige tilbud, med god oppfølging.
  • Vi tilbyr ikke reisevaksiner eller attestering i pass for dyr.
  • Vi tilbyr ikke separat kremering.

Er du usikker på om du oppfyller kriteriene, ønsker vi allikevel at du tar kontakt. Vi er imøtekommende og hyggelige, og ønsker det beste for dyr og mennesker.

Skriv gjerne litt om deg selv og din situasjon og hva henvendelsen gjelder, så vil vi svare deg så fort vi kan.


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